Group news

Accelerate the convergence of cash and digital

It should be possible to pay at any time regardless of the context, place or channel available. OMOA helps financial institutions strengthen their digital offering with secure banking services that are accessible 24/7 on ATM and mobile. OMOA has, thus, invested in new and innovative solutions for cardless transactions from a Mobile Money Wallet and card transactions, in order, to make deposits of cash and checks on ATMs.

OMOA works closely with financial institutions, telecom and fintech operators to promote inclusive economic growth by allowing companies and their customers to carry out all their electronic payment transactions securely, on all media, anywhere in Africa.

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Our services are PCI-DSS and GIMAC certified

Players in the payment industry face increasingly stringent regulations. OMOA implements all the processes defined by international and regional bodies in terms of standards and

Nous sommes multicartes pour vous offrir le meilleur choix parmi nos différents partenaires comme TREK, SCOOT, LOOK, COLNAGO….

Nous vous proposons un cycle pour chacune de vos styles de conduite (vélos de route, vélos urbains, vélos de loisirs, VTT…).